Friday, May 23, 2008


On June 2008 Ela's will be graduating from High School.

Not only she will be done with her schooling, but she will be leaving the orphanage where she has lived since she was eight years old.
She has been invited to attend a summer camp and enjoy her well deserved vacation.

Then we have arranged for Ela to travel to Zaporozhyie and stay with my dear friend Galina Galkina at the baby orphanage "Solnishko" which is the orphanage where Ela grew up from baby until seven years old.

She will stay with Galina and she has offered to train Ela to be a "nurse assistant" helping with the little ones. And the possible enrolment into Seamstress School, until we get her the "Humanitarian Visa" and I can fly to Ukraine to pick her up.

I am so grateful to my friend Galina, she is a wonderful woman. She loves Ela as a daughter and I know she will take good care of her and be the best role model for Ela.
Pray my friends, that everything goes well and we receive the visa documents very soon.
thank you , thank you, thank you universe!

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